Places We've Gone So Far...
Visits in 2006-2007
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Abandoned House on Stanwood Drive
Located in Franklin Mass, this house has sat abandoned for years. According to research, the house was bought by a younger couple. They divorced just prior to moving in, and the house's ownership either went back on the market or went back into the bank's custody. Reasons for its not being resold are unknown. Last I knew the neighbors are trying to get something done with it because as you will see it is a serious eyesore. Also, after talking with an attorney, he said the condition of the house is not salvagable, and would therefore have to be knocked down and rebuilt.
Caryville Mill
The old mill building, located in Bellingham Mass, which was constructed in 1898 used to house woolen production lines prior to making shoes. I have to perform further research, but know it was a textile mill when opened, and before it was closed in 1995 due to its failure to meet the fire code, it housed a car-audio installation company called RDL Acoustics.
Southwood Hospital
We did not get to venture inside this visit due to very tight security; you will notice that none of these buildings have been vandalized or mistreated in any way, with exception of by weather. There will, however, be another visit with more research, and more pictures. There are also rumors to this place being haunted - we shall see.
Whalom Park
Whalom Park, a fun little amusement park in Lunenburg Mass, operated from 1893 until 2000. It stood abandoned for six years prior to demolition to make way for condominiums. This is the park the week after the destruction began.
Norfolk Airport
Norfolk airport a unique little airstrip, as it is only one of two residential airparks. It closed somewhere between 1995-2000, and was listed as closed indefinately in 2001. In May of 2006, it was removed from the charts, and is said to have fallen victim to housing developments. The airport, as of today, still remains.
Information obtained from and