Art in Ruin
Art in Ruin - Where breaking and entering is a crime, while entering without breaking is an art.
The Art in Ruin Team, or ART for short, goes exploring across Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and soon even more of the eastern United States to capture the sometimes decaying ruins of places that will not be around forever. On our site, you will be able to view our photos, comment on them, and even vote for them in our weekly competition where we put our photos head to head to see who the better photographer is. You can be a member of the team by simply partaking in these previous acts, as well as by offering locations near you that you'd like to go in, or even coming with us on a journey.
You can seethe places we've gone thus far by going to:
And to participate in our weekly competition:
(To learn more about our weekly competition, see our The ART page.)
While you're here, we encourage you to sign our guestbook, and please let us know what you think. We are doing our very best, but can only do better by hearing from you.
Our Goals:
As a new member of the abandoned-places enthusiasts, you come to find out that more abandoned places than not have already been uncovered and captured on camera. This would lead one to think that it is a common point of interest. This being so, we feel that uncovering enough places of varying type could be the next step in the process of making this a well-established hobby. Upon the completion of capturing many varieties of places, we will submit this site as a means of documentation to a television station such as the Discovery Channel for possibly creating a show, like that of dirty jobs, where viewers submit places they'd like to see into, and where Discovery would take you there. Help us meet our goals!
Above: A Picture of Lincoln Park's Comet Coaster
Below: A Picture of the Archway in the Worcester Commons Outlet.