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A special thanks goes to Mike's Dijital Photography for giving us inpiration, and for giving us places to go for the future. You can see his site dedicated to abandoned places, and his music based on abandoned places at:
A website of the ABANDONED, HISTORICAL and UNUSUAL locations throughout various states and countries for "educational purposes only"
Based out of Rhode Island, we at ArtInRuins believe that decay is beautiful, but not necessary. Artists live and work in the buildings that the city or developers have often forgotten, and now that Providence is becoming a hip town (or a suburb of Boston) these buildings and the artists, musicians and businesses who lived and worked in them are getting used for purposes that do not contribute to the community in the same way. We are not against new development, we are only opposed to unsustainable or irresponsible development.
For an online journal to store whatever you want.
For a first class website builder.
Special Thanks:
The abandoned places - for being there.
Matt, Cliff, Julie, Katie, and everyone else who's gone abandoned place hunting and given us places to go.
You, for visting our site!
Thank you!